Akka, Concurrency, etc.

Using ping to test AWS VPC network latency across different regions

The code for this experiment is available here.


In the previous article, I discussed my network latency test within a single AWS VPC region. Here in this article, I am going to extend it and test the network latency across different regions.

The below picture is from AWS's official page.

When you application grows to a global scale, you would likely transfer data across different AWS regions. The latency in each pair of AWS regions is important if the data transfer is expected to be in a real-time fashion in your applicaiton.

Test results

Here is my test results sorted by the average ping latency. The values are in milliseconds.

source_region target_region avg_value min_value max_value
eu-west-3 eu-west-2 9.435 9.264 11.742
eu-west-2 eu-west-1 11.327 11.101 13.482
eu-west-3 eu-central-1 11.61 11.512 12.073
us-east-1 us-east-2 12.319 12.039 13.999
eu-west-2 eu-central-1 15.277 15.189 15.637
ca-central-1 us-east-1 16.914 16.801 17.228
eu-west-3 eu-west-1 18.486 18.336 19.275
us-west-1 us-west-2 19.829 19.774 19.92
eu-north-1 eu-central-1 22.49 22.4 22.62
eu-west-1 eu-central-1 24.893 24.69 27.299
ca-central-1 us-east-2 26.203 26.086 26.372
eu-north-1 eu-west-3 29.117 29.034 29.19
eu-north-1 eu-west-2 33.295 33.201 33.421
ap-northeast-2 ap-northeast-1 34.685 34.598 34.831
eu-north-1 eu-west-1 41.463 41.335 41.632
us-east-2 us-west-1 51.996 51.922 52.194
ap-south-1 ap-southeast-1 54.024 53.763 57.17
us-east-1 us-west-1 62.111 62.029 62.57
ca-central-1 us-west-2 67.995 67.881 68.437
us-east-2 us-west-2 68.087 68.038 68.206
us-east-1 us-west-2 72.115 72.062 72.229
ap-northeast-1 ap-southeast-1 72.12 71.978 73.087
eu-west-1 ca-central-1 74.921 74.746 76.1
eu-west-1 us-east-1 75.975 75.873 76.196
eu-west-2 us-east-1 76.702 76.655 76.807
eu-west-1 us-east-2 77.896 77.82 78.231
ca-central-1 us-west-1 78.56 78.493 78.863
eu-west-3 us-east-1 79.748 79.633 80.989
eu-west-2 us-east-2 86.559 86.12 92.064
eu-central-1 us-east-1 87.959 87.845 88.928
eu-west-2 ca-central-1 89.175 89.059 89.974
eu-west-3 us-east-2 89.567 89.449 90.026
eu-west-3 ca-central-1 93.43 93.369 93.513
eu-central-1 us-east-2 96.971 96.878 97.487
ap-northeast-2 ap-southeast-1 99.221 99.112 99.344
ap-northeast-1 us-west-2 99.467 99.347 99.597
ca-central-1 eu-central-1 100.571 100.488 100.858
ap-northeast-1 ap-southeast-2 106.454 106.388 106.589
ap-south-1 eu-west-3 106.954 106.752 110.041
eu-north-1 us-east-1 107.357 107.242 108.174
ap-northeast-1 us-west-1 111.731 111.609 111.88
ap-south-1 eu-central-1 112.079 111.866 115.644
ap-south-1 eu-west-2 113.049 112.827 115.494
eu-north-1 ca-central-1 113.971 113.88 114.087
eu-north-1 us-east-2 116.8 116.722 116.862
ap-south-1 eu-west-1 122.206 122.108 122.618
sa-east-1 ca-central-1 122.727 122.639 122.962
ap-south-1 ap-northeast-1 124.042 123.918 124.656
ap-northeast-2 us-west-2 127.332 127.145 128.243
eu-north-1 ap-south-1 131.514 131.409 131.718
eu-west-1 us-west-2 131.737 131.68 131.847
ap-northeast-2 ap-southeast-2 134.009 133.899 134.261
eu-west-2 us-west-1 136.79 136.623 139.716
eu-west-2 us-west-2 137.377 137.327 137.524
ap-southeast-2 us-west-2 137.986 137.919 138.092
eu-west-3 us-west-1 138.496 138.436 138.636
ap-northeast-2 us-west-1 139.89 139.563 142.783
sa-east-1 us-east-1 140.855 140.798 141.002
eu-west-1 us-west-1 141.553 141.375 143.441
eu-central-1 us-west-1 146.286 146.191 146.563
eu-west-3 us-west-2 147.916 147.704 150.489
sa-east-1 us-east-2 150.637 150.559 150.762
ap-southeast-2 us-west-1 150.762 150.621 151.54
ap-northeast-1 us-east-1 152.693 152.546 152.954
ap-south-1 ap-northeast-2 153.521 153.074 157.473
ap-northeast-1 ca-central-1 156.348 156.258 156.554
eu-central-1 us-west-2 157.993 157.882 158.226
ap-northeast-1 us-east-2 158.274 158.174 158.828
ap-southeast-1 us-west-2 163.188 163.128 163.245
eu-north-1 us-west-2 165.754 165.641 166.06
eu-west-3 ap-southeast-1 165.951 165.861 166.31
eu-west-2 ap-southeast-1 166.857 166.69 169.289
eu-north-1 us-west-1 166.903 166.616 170.379
ap-southeast-1 eu-central-1 170.72 170.64 171.291
eu-west-1 ap-southeast-1 175.214 175.112 175.671
ap-southeast-1 us-west-1 175.532 174.633 198.092
ap-northeast-2 us-east-1 176.618 176.539 176.772
eu-west-1 sa-east-1 179.883 179.769 180.6
ap-south-1 us-east-1 181.932 181.832 182.253
sa-east-1 us-west-2 184.524 184.442 184.626
eu-north-1 ap-southeast-1 184.94 184.869 185.037
ap-northeast-2 us-east-2 185.384 185.269 185.545
ap-northeast-2 ca-central-1 185.495 185.337 186.947
ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 187.683 187.403 191.223
ap-southeast-2 us-east-2 194.336 194.106 196.131
ap-south-1 ca-central-1 194.342 194.256 194.473
ap-south-1 us-east-2 195.138 195.063 195.263
sa-east-1 us-west-1 196.044 195.023 196.941
ap-southeast-2 us-east-1 198.82 198.766 199.157
ca-central-1 ap-southeast-2 209.585 209.341 211.664
ap-south-1 us-west-2 211.279 211.199 211.392
eu-west-2 ap-northeast-1 215.736 215.658 215.869
eu-west-2 sa-east-1 217.074 216.929 218.18
eu-west-1 ap-northeast-1 217.856 217.768 218.055
eu-west-3 sa-east-1 218.02 216.94 227.153
ca-central-1 ap-southeast-1 220.046 219.949 220.592
ap-southeast-1 us-east-2 222.829 222.744 223.209
ap-south-1 ap-southeast-2 223.823 223.703 224.632
eu-west-3 ap-northeast-1 225.934 225.815 227.104
ap-southeast-1 us-east-1 226.586 226.458 227.522
ap-south-1 us-west-1 227.668 227.593 227.789
sa-east-1 eu-central-1 228.214 228.142 228.279
ap-northeast-1 eu-central-1 231.089 229.141 231.571
eu-west-2 ap-northeast-2 240.581 240.326 240.731
eu-west-1 ap-northeast-2 243.391 243.294 244.227
eu-north-1 ap-northeast-1 245.055 244.871 247.834
eu-north-1 sa-east-1 245.18 245.079 245.736
eu-west-3 ap-northeast-2 253.109 253.038 253.254
eu-west-1 ap-southeast-2 259.148 258.969 260.803
ap-northeast-2 eu-central-1 264.326 264.126 266.897
eu-west-2 ap-southeast-2 270.051 268.612 270.192
eu-north-1 ap-northeast-2 270.692 270.594 270.793
ap-northeast-1 sa-east-1 273.182 273.047 274.608
eu-west-3 ap-southeast-2 275.802 275.727 276.025
ap-southeast-2 eu-central-1 283.567 283.419 283.896
ap-northeast-2 sa-east-1 297.738 297.561 300.804
eu-north-1 ap-southeast-2 301.866 301.79 301.931
sa-east-1 ap-southeast-2 315.08 315.025 315.151
ap-south-1 sa-east-1 321.132 320.986 322.404
sa-east-1 ap-southeast-1 340.949 340.515 347.95

The test structure and VPC peering

Let me briefly explain VPC peering in AWS which I used for this testing.

When your application transfers data across regions, for example, in order to replicate data across regions, you would likely to do it through AWS's internal network instead of sending data over the public internet.

VPC peering in AWS allows the inter-region data transfer within AWS:


A VPC peering connection ... enables you to route traffic between them using private IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses ... Traffic always stays on the global AWS backbone, and never traverses the public internet

In this test, I measured ping latency across AWS regions using VPC peering.

Matt Adorjan's AWS Inter-Region Latency

There is another, actually a better source of AWS network latency information.

While writing this article, I found "AWS Inter-Region Latency" at https://www.cloudping.co which covers more comprehensive combinations of regions.

He used DynamoDB endpoints, so it is somewhat different from my test, but anyway his coverage on the region pairs is more comprehensive, so it's worth checking out. Please look at his GitHub repo (I already gave a star to it!).

It was a good learning opportunity to me. Kudos to Matt.


https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/ https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regions_az/